10 Super Foods You Can Grow Yourself – Part 2

There’s simply no denying that super foods pack a nutritional punch that no one should be going without!

So here’s the second part of our list of 10 super-healthy-foods you can grow yourself!

If you missed the first half, you can read it here.

6. Kale

If it’s antioxidants you’re after, look no further than Kale. This leafy green vegetable is also high in fiber, beta-carotene and Vitamins A, C, and K. In addition, it’s also high in calcium and iron.

Kale is a rich source of phytochemicals which are great at preventing a range of illnesses ranging from eye problems like cataracts, to certain types of cancer, especially estrogen-based cancers, cardiovascular disease and macular degeneration.

7. Chili

Aside from offering a fiery kick to any meal, chilies are often overlooked in terms of thier excellent nutritional benefits. In addition to their ability to lower cholesterol, chilies have great anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-diabetic properties.

Chilies also pack a potent Vitamin C punch, as well as being high in Vitamin A and other antioxidants, and Vitamin B.

8. Brussel Sprouts

Another champion veggie with a bad rep with the kiddies, Brussel Sprouts are high in fiber and great for digestion. When grown organically, they taste completely different to the store bought counterpart.

Packed with Vitamin A, C, and K, these green little orbs are great immune boosters, not to mention they they are also excellent for the heart, brain, and nervous system.

9. Radish

A relative of kale, broccoli, and cauliflower, radishes have earned their place in the family by being super high in Vitamin C – a powerful antioxidant that is great at beating cholesterol and excellent for brain function. Radishes are also known to combat certain types of cancer, particularly those related to hormonal activity such as cervical and breast cancer.

High in fiber and low in carbs, radishes are great for anyone watching their weight, and are an excellent source of selenium which is great for thyroid and hormone regulation, and can also prevent arthritis.

10. Chard

A champion at controlling blood sugar levels, chard is also an excellent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifier.

Low in calories and fats, chard also helps to control cholesterol and is a smart choice for those watching their weight. Chard is high in fiber and protein, as well as Vitamins C, E, K, and beta-carotene. Chard is also an excellent source of calcium, so it’s great for keeping bones healthy too!

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