Can’t Beat Benefits Of Veg (That You Absolutely Shouldn’t Ignore)

Here are some very convincing facts on why including at least 60% of organic vegetables into your daily diet is best!

Whatever your vegetable of choice, always remember: Fresh is best; Raw you score!

Green Leafy Veggies

It isn’t often that you’re told that you can eat as much as you like of something and know with absolute certainty that it’s good for you. The green leafy vegetables are just such foods.

Leafy greens are packed with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Fibre is great if you’re trying to slim down as it helps you feel fuller for longer and keeps those hunger pangs at bay, not to mention that fibre also helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure too.

Greens such as kale and spinach are loaded with calcium, which is not only great for bones and teeth but muscle function too.

The list is pretty long – in fact throw in some vitamin A (which is derived from the high dose of beta-carotene) and C (hello collagen, hello anti-aging! And cheerio arthritis!), mix in some folate (from your Brussels Sprouts and Broccoli which are planted now) for a healthy heart and memory functioning, and you’re going to run short of excuses to NOT include more leafy greens in your diet.

Root Veggies

Root veggies even with their bits of sand when freshly picked from your organic vegetable patch are absolute powerhouses of nutrition!

Because they’re grown underground, they absorb a bunch of nutrients from the soil (reason number one to grow your own and ensure that they receive only the best in soil). It doesn’t end there either. One of the added benefits is that you can even eat the green, leafy fronds and leaves that grow above the ground.

In terms of nutrients, each root veggie has its own set of benefits; they do share some common nutritional characteristics:

They are loaded with antioxidants, vitamins C, B and A

They contain slow-burning carbohydrates and fibre to keep you fuller for longer.

They’re packed with iron (great news for vegetarians!)

They are great for boosting immunity and energy

And they’re awesome in just about any dish


Summer squash (including zucchini, patty pans, and gem squash) are rich in lutein and zeaxanthin – both are excellent for eye health all round. Summer squash is also rich in Vitamin B6, which helps to make haemoglobin that carries oxygen throughout the body. They’re also an excellent source of manganese, which is beneficial for stabilising mood swings.

Winter squash (including pumpkin, hubbard squash or other hard-skinned varieties) are rich in beta-carotene, which is converted to Vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A is important to healthy skin, eyes and bone growth. Beta-carotene has also been linked to the prevention of the growth of cancer cells.

Winter squash is also loaded with potassium, which may lower the risk of developing high blood pressure.

Pumpkins are an excellent addition to the diet for eye health, and in particular their ability to lower the risk of cataracts.

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