Why We’re Crazy About Carrots

Carrots have always been known for their nutritional greatness. As children, our moms told us all about how good carrots were for our eyesight. Our moms were spot on, but there’s a lot more to carrots, nutritionally speaking, than that.

They’re good for the eyes

Yes, eating carrots is great for the eyes! Carrots are high in beta carotene, which is converted into Vitamin A in our livers, which is then transformed into rhodopsin in the retina. Rhodopsin is a purple pigment used to assist with seeing in the dark.

The beta carotene is also known to prevent macular degeneration and the development of senile cataracts.

Sadly though, when eye damage has occurred, eating carrots won’t reverse this.

They help lower cholesterol

Carrots are fantastic for heart health, and have been known to decrease the risk of heart disease.

If your cholesterol is a touch high, including carrots in your diet will definitely help, as the soluble fibres in carrots bind with bile acids.

They’re good for the colon

Eating plenty of fibre is great to ensure a healthy colon, and the high fibre content in carrots makes them perfect for ensuring a happy gut.

They fight cancer

It was recently discovered that carrots contain falcarinol and falcarindiol, which are known to fight various cancers, including breast, lung, and colon cancer.

They’re a great boost for the immune system

Carrots are a nutritional powerhouse, offering a staggering 210% of the average daily recommended amount of Vitamin A, 6% Vitamin C, 2% calcium.

They’re packed with antioxidants

Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant which helps to repair cell damage and slow down the effects of ageing.

They’re great for skin, hair, and nails

Vitamin A is fantastic for hair, skin, and nails. A deficiency of Vitamin A can result in premature wrinkling, acne, dry skin, pigmentation, blemishes, and uneven skin tone.

They’re good for teeth and gums

Sinking your teeth into a crunchy carrot is great for your teeth and gums. Acting like a natural toothbrush, biting into a carrot assists with scraping off plaque and massaging gums.

They help prevent strokes

In a recent Harvard study, it was shown that people who ate more than 6 carrots a week were less likely to suffer a stroke than those who ate fewer carrots.

They’re a natural anti-inflammatory

Carrots have phenomenal anti-inflammatory properties.

Reasons to Grow your Own

Growing your own carrots provides a far more nutritious and flavourful product than any store-bought variety.

There are over 100 species of carrots – of varying shapes and colours and tastes – that you can experiment with in your own garden.

Baby carrots that are so popular now in supermarkets are often given a chlorine bath to extend their shelf life, so rather grow your own – especially the Pariser Markt variety which we sell and grow to perfect golf ball size (or a little bigger if you prefer).

Make Your Own Carrot Soap for healthy skin!

(Recipe taken from Garden & Home, May 2015)

You will need the following:

Soap base, Glycerine soap is clear and good for making hand soaps

Glass bowl set over a pot of gently simmering water

Herb infused or essential oils. (Olive or coconut oil are a good selection)

Fresh herbs/ other ingredients (Optional)

Plastic soup moulds, silicone sweet moulds/ oiled bread tins


Cut soap into chunks and place in glass bowl set over a pot of simmering water.

Add herb infused oil, stir through and remove from heat.

Solid soaps: Pour into moulds, tapping gently to remove bubbles.

Leave to set.

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